Hi John, I just have a couple of issues with your post. And, I don’t really care either way if you hate Matt Remski, so these points are not meant to dissuade you of the disgust you clearly experience. First of all, I am glad to see you posting as yourself. I am presuming you are Pal. I have struggled with this too, but mostly post as myself now. Second, I see that you question Remski’s bio and credentials, but what about yours? All I can see here is that you have been in the yoga world for 20 years. So have I. When I reviewed Remski’s bios in your other piece, all I saw was the same progression most yoga teachers I know have gone through, trying to craft some legitimacy out of this hot mess we call the yoga world these days. Yes, there were discrepancies, some oversharing, some ridiculosity, and some down right wrongful claims, but seriously, I think every or almost every single yoga teacher I know has gone through this, myself included. Which brings me back to you. Could we do a comparative study of your own progression of claims to yoga knowledge over the last 20 years and see if you too have gone through it like everyone else? Could we dig into your life and find every little thing possible that you ever did that someone else didn’t like, and probably also felt hurt by to see if that makes you worthy of an epic teardown of being a horrible person, who is definiteley not a real yogi? Gotcha! We caught us a fake yogi!! Which brings me back to your credentials. You make some very serious allegations here, many of which require some serious credentials to be taken seriously. So who are you and what makes you anything more than some pissed dude who thinks I care? Like I said, ultimately I don’t care if you hate Remski. But you come at this like your yoga somehow means your opinion should be taken more seriously, and all I can see here, is yet another yogi oversharing their personal opinions believing they bear some ultimate truth on the yoga world. And because the yoga world is so un-regulated (I hate yoga alliance too but for different reasons, I like we need to move to licensure), this is supposed to qualify as expertise.